Monday, December 26, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome! first post in an attempt to document all that I do with food, wine, and other libations.  I am a 46 year old married mother of 3 daughters.  I have always enjoyed cooking and inexpensive wines, but have recently turned my interest into a passion.

My day job is as an Event Planner for a Fortune 100 company pays most of the bills and takes care of those necessities like health insurance, etc.  Within the last 8 months I have embarked on several part-time adventures that have led me to my true passion - food & wine/beer pairings.  The art of cooking an awesome meal and pairing it with an inexpensive libation is a learned skill.  I truly enjoy it and, more so, enjoy sharing my knowledge with friends, family, and even strangers!

I work part-time as a Wine Sampler for a marketing company where I pour samples of The Naked Grape and Barefoot Wines & Bubblies at your local wine & spirit shop.  These wines are good...but the part-time employment status has helped me fund wine and beer education classes (and...I can write them off on my taxes!).  I have learned all kinds of interesting things during my education and have intentions of taking higher-level classes as time and cash affords.

In addition, I have now signed up as a Pampered Chef Independent Consultant.  Now...don't run away because I'm selling you anything..this is just the story of my journey.  I signed up for more part-time income, but honestly the items which I have obtained (and...I had NOTHING before I signed up) are pretty interesting!  I'm still learning about the stuff, but from what I have used so far, I'm sold.  My favorites are the stoneware this point...

I also enjoy traveling.  I cannot wait to eventually move to Europe.  I love it there.  I have been to Italy twice and, except for the healthcare in that country, I could live there forever.  The food is different, the attitude is different, and I feel this is where I will eventually end up...

So...welcome to my blog and I hope you stop back and check it out.  I'll be posting my trials in the kitchen...the good, the bad, and the "don't try this at home", along with what libation I would pair with my dishes.

Here's to a very interesting 2012!!

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