Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday...it's raining, but I STILL went to the gym!

Well, I realize this is a FOOD AND BEVERAGE blog, but all that food and beverage means heading back to the gym.  Today I officially started back.  15 minute warm up on the treadmill, 15 minutes at 3.9mph on a 4 grade incline, and then 9 minutes on the elliptical.  YAY ME!

Had myself a nice salad when I got home, using up some of that ham that's left over.  Pairing with WATER at this point...haha!

Frank and I will be watching our 4 seasons of Big Bang Theory today...at least until this evening when we are contemplating heading to Harrah's (why?  cause I like to throw money away I guess!).  We will be entertaining ourselves with fresh pineapple and maybe some oranges.  I absolutely HATE peeling pineapples...to the point where I buy them and they rot before I peel them.  HOWEVER...I have a brand-spankin'-new PINEAPPLE WEDGER that is supposed to core and peel a pineapple in one happy swoop. When I get to that point, I will post an update (and some pictures!)...if this works as designed, it will be an AWESOME addition to my healthy household!

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