Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Potato Spinach Soup - VITAMIX RECIPE!

Well, my Vitamix came in and I have finally unpacked it and figured out how to use it!  Quite easy, actually...more of the unpacking issue for me! 

Anyhow, the first thing I have made is Potato Spinach Soup.  Quick, easy, healthy.  I have listed the recipe here and have included pictures below.  I believe you could also make this by just blending or food processing and then heating up on the stove.

4 cups stock - chicken, veggie... we used turkey since we had it
2 russet potatoes - washed, baked (use the microwave - 10 minutes) - skin on
5-6 green onions (or you could use a medium sized onion as well...I used what I had in the garden)
2 cloves garlic
1 cup fresh raw spinach (about 3 oz of frozen)
2-3 sage leaves (or rosemary if you have it)
salt to taste
white pepper
zest of lemon
juice of lemon

Place ingredients in Vitamix in order (or...blend or food process)
With Vitamix - start at 1, go to 10, turn on high for about 4 minutes until steam escapes from top
With Blend or Food Process - you will have to heat this up on the stove top to heat for soup.



  1. Wow, sounds like an interesting recipe. I've been making soups lately. Great when it is so cold.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. It was really good. (will be very good for St. Patty's Day with the dark green color!!) You should check out my Creamy Butternut Squash Curry Soup that I posted this past weekend...it's very tasty! Thanks for stopping by!
