Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SWAI FISH - what we had for dinner last night and wine pairing!

For dinner last night we had sauteed Swai fish with a side of pan-fried russet potatoes and broccoli.  I diligently took pictures of the potato and broccoli prep, and then failed miserably (mostly because I as hungry!) at taking pictures of the finished product!  I realized when the fish was gone...oh well, I'll have to do the menu again I guess!  haha!

Anyhow...for the 2 of us (Mel was not eating at home last night) I large diced one large russet potato, tossed with garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper, and threw it in a large skillet with some veggie oil.  Once they started to brown up, I added 1/2 of an jalapeno - I just cut it in half and threw it in whole.

I added about a head of garlic, paper removed, but left solid.  I added the jalapeno and garlic to flavor the oil.  Once the potatoes were about half done, I added broccoli, which as also tossed with some garlic and black pepper.  By using this timing, my potatoes and broccoli were done around the same time.

I removed the veggies (including the jalapeno and garlic) and added the Swai fillets into the pan with the existing flavored oil.  Browned on both sides and served.  It was DELISH!  Very easy, very simple, very good!

I paired with with a Sauvignon Blanc, which has now become my favorite white wine.  Very crisp with hints of apples and citrus, served very chilled.  I used the Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc because that is what I had on hand, but most Sauvignon Blancs are pretty similar in mouth feel and taste.

Try's easy and inexpensive!


  1. Pam, I had Swai for the first time on Saturday. Wow, excellent texture and very nice taste if done properly. One of my favorite new fishes.

  2. Glad you had an opportunity to try it out! It's one of our favorites here as well! How do you prepare yours?
