Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Have you been affected by cancer?

I have. My mother died of lung cancer, my father had prostate cancer, my aunt had breast cancer. And I have several friends that are still battling the effects of breast cancer.


I am hosting a "HELP WHIP CANCER" fundraiser on-line show. 25% of the sales from purchases will be donated to the American Cancer Society's Breast Cancer programs.


AND...We're GOING PINK to HELP WHIP CANCER!... "Bake" a difference with NEW pink products! We have 3 "PINK" Products to help raise even more funds - with the purchase of each "PINK" product, an additional $1 will be donated to the American Cancer Society.

** Paisley Oven Pad - $9
** Paisley Oven Mitt - $12.50
** Cake Tester - #5.50

MY GOAL IS TO SELL 50 PINK ITEMS... To help you help me make this goal, I am making this deal: If you purchase the entire 3-piece (3 items), and I'll throw in a free cookbook. If you need them by Mother's Day - please message me separately. 

Anyone in the UNITED STATES can order from this show....you DO NOT have to be local!  However, if you are not in the Philadelphia area, please choose DIRECT SHIPPING for your order.  (it will go right to your home then).

If you are interested in placing an order for this fundraising event, please go HERE and enter the host name "WHIP CANCER" where it asks.  

This is a public event...please feel free to share it with everyone you know.  The more people see it and the more people shop, the more money goes to the American Cancer Society to help raise awareness of this awful disease.

Thank you.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Have you ever thought about what you would do with an extra $400-$600 in your wallet each month?

Ever thought about what you would do with an extra $400-$600 in your wallet each month?  I did...back in November.  At that point I signed up with the Pampered Chef to be a consultant of one of the fastest growing teams in the United States.  I paid for my start up kit and began hosting cooking demonstrations.  I have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of money I have made; however, I am even more pleased with the fact that I have been able to bring on a team of equally-motivated people who also want to succeed in their own businesses.

This month only - until March 31, 2012 - The Pampered Chef has a sweet deal for those who decide to make a leap of faith and start their own businesses - they will REFUND 50% of your start up costs!  I have sweetened the deal for those who start up before March 31...I will match the 50% refund!  YES...that means that once you meet certain qualifications in your first 30 days...you will have earned the rebates that essentially make your start up kit FREE.

  • Must sign up on my website by March 31, 2012 (11pm Central time)
  • Must "qualify" in 30 days (qualification = $1,250 in sales prior to tax & shipping -- this is usually accomplished in 2-3 cooking shows.  I "qualified" in my first show, which was my kickoff show)
In February 2012 I earned over $1,000 in commission for about 24 hours worth of work.  I have the paperwork to back this up and would be most happy to share it with you individually.  I have also earned about $1,000 worth of FREE PRODUCT in the 4 months that I have been with The Pampered Chef.  Additionally, I have now earned a weekend trip to NASHVILLE (all expenses paid for my husband and I) in October and am in alignment for a 4 day/3 night trip to LAS VEGAS in March 2012 as well.

If you think you may be interested in this awesome opportunity, please get in touch with me ASAP so that we may discuss.  Likewise, if you know of anyone who is out of work or just needs a part-time job, please have them contact me. This offer expires on March 31...so if you are even the tiniest bit interested, please email me now at pam.pamperedchef@yahoo.com so that we may further discuss this opportunity.  Likewise, if you are already sold on this opportunity,  you can sign up right on my website

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Brunch-style eggs? Or Eggs on the go? You decide!

I have started here with about 1 cup of chopped chorizo, placed it in my 8" Saute Pan to brown.  This is what I had in the fridge...you could take bacon or sausage.  If you vary the meat choice, just be sure that your meat ends up in little pieces like you see in the picture.

9 large eggs in my Classic Batter Bowl

diced veggies - whatever you have will work!  Here I have diced up a medium onion, about 1/3 of a red bell pepper, and about 10 stalks of asparagus.  Note the sizes of the dice...it needs to be small (you'll see why in a minute!)

ENTER.......our BRAND NEW Pampered Chef Brownie Pan! ($19 available here). 

Beat the eggs, adding in the browned chorizo (or your meat selection), 1/2 cup shredded cheese (I used a mix of Mexican Blend & Italian Blend...because it's what I had on hand!), diced onions, salt, pepper.  This is where you would add all of your diced veggies...you will see what I did in the next step since I have a 17 year old who does not like asparagus in our home.  Here is also where you could add your hot sauce, garlic powder, etc.  MAKE IT YOUR OWN!  The sky is the limit here! 

Pour the egg mixture into the squares...they fill about 3/4 of the way.  Here is where I made separate asparagus and red pepper egg squares...I just sprinkled them in!  No need to grease or coat this pan WHATSOEVER!  Nothing sticks to it!  I then placed this into a 350 degree oven for 11 minutes.  And here is what you get!.........

These are done.  They are firm.  Some of them were a tad bit gooey on the top...this was cheese, not raw egg.  (I tasted it...totally cheese). 

Up close and personal...sorry if it's blurry.  You can see the square is pulled away from the sides...easy removal!  Nothing sticks!

Final product.  You can see that the sides are soft, nothing is burnt, nothing is overdone.  You can pick this up and eat it with your hands...I'm thinking "breakfast on the go" for our teenagers (or spouses who are running!).  You could freeze these and then warm them up in the microwave.  Just think...you'd actually KNOW what's in your breakfast food!  Another thought here...excellent use for the "little bit of this" and the "little bit of that" veggies that are left in the crisper, but not enough for a serving.

Let me know your thoughts...I'd love to hear them!  I am in love with this pan...it has so many uses!  If you are interested in purchasing the Brownie Pan, you can go here and purchase directly from my website. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Who's up for the 30-Day Challenge?

Have you ever thought about starting your own home based business, but were worried about taking the plunge? 
If so, it would be almost silly NOT to try out the Pampered Chef, especially THIS MONTH!  In your first 90 days, besides commission, you are rewarded with Pampered Chef dollars- basically, you're own Pampered Chef shopping spree! In your first 30 days, if you qualify with $1250 in sales (which most people do in just 2 or 3 shows), you get a $200 shopping spree (which is actually more than $200 worth of products, because you get to use your consultant discount of 20-50% off!) 
You continue to earn Pampered Chef shopping sprees, $100 at a time (unlimited) for each $1250 you submit in your first 90 days. I myself have earned $1,000 in Pampered Chef dollars.

So, here's the 30 day challenge:
Try our business for 30 days.
  • For $159 your kit comes with over $580 in Pampered Chef products- yours to keep.
  • You'll also get a $200 shopping spree (or more) by qualifying in your first 30 days.
  • You'll also get a $225 Skillet for qualifying in 30 days.
  • You'll also get at least $275 in CASH for qualifying in 30 days. (You can get way more than that.. that is just the minimum commission you'd get by qualifying in 30 days)
So, for $159 you'd get $1005 worth of Pampered Chef products, and at least $275 in cash when you qualify in 30 days! If you don't qualify in 30 days, no big deal. You'll still get the $580 in products from your kit, plus a $100 shopping spree and all your commission when you qualify in 90, and you continue on building your business!  AND...for this month only!....you get a 50% rebate on your kit - so instead of your start-up kit costing $159, it will cost $79.50 (paid as a rebate after you qualify in 30 days)

Or, you can sign up with the $80 kit! Both have everything you need to get started. (this month only...$40).
SO...who's up for the 30-day Challenge?  Contact me and I'll get you started!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Creamy Butternut Squash Curry Soup

Yesterday I made an awesome soup that I documented in pictures and wanted to share.  I made it with my new Vitamix, but I have made this in the past and the special blender is not necessary.  Any regular blender or immersion blender will work for this.  The Vitamix just made it easier and heated it up...

I took one butternut squash (around 1-2 pounds), cut it half, removed seeds, brushed with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.

butternut squash on Pampered Chef Large Bar Pan, ready for roasting in the oven
Placed on my Pampered Chef Large Bar Pan (again...any pan will work, but this seemed to toast it up nicely), 375 degrees for about an hour, after which was fork tender and looked like this:

After:  looks a little toasty and is definitely fork tender.
Wait until it is cool enough to handle, then scoop out the squash contents, which can now be done with a spoon, and dump into the Vitamix (or blender, or a pot if you're using the immersion blender).  While this is all going on, I get 2 stalks of celery, 1 small/medium carrot, and 1 small onion chopped up and then 6 cloves of garlic, left whole

and put in a pan with about 2-3 tbsp of butter to slowly sweat until soft and and translucent.

Then, add the veggies into the Vitamix, blender, or the pot, add 2.5-3 cups of stock (I used turkey since I have a ton of it in the freezer, but you could use chicken, veggie, or I would think even beef with this...), 1 tbsp of yellow curry powder (we LOVE curry in our house, so you can adjust as needed), black pepper and kosher salt to taste.  Then blend...and it will look like this...

I have no idea how to spin this...but you get the idea!

The Vitamix heats up the soup for eating, but if you are using a regular blender or the immersion blender, you obviously need to heat the soup up in a pan...and then serve!  I like it with a dollop of sour cream on top, but can totally be served with or without.  YUMMY!

This is one of our favorites.  I hope you like it as much as we do.  Please comment and let me know how it turns out in your house - or if you have any variations to add!  I'm always looking for things to jazz my homemade soups!

Monday, February 6, 2012

French Fries? Who could use this handy gizmo?

It's new from The Pampered Chef!  It's a French Fry Cutter!  Available March 1!  It works on both french fries as well as ZUCCHINI FRIES!  (great way to camouflage vegetables for the kiddos!).

Please check out my website if you are interested in purchasing...

(stay tuned...I'll be showing you all more exciting NEW products over the month!  All available on March !)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie...and MORE! (GENIUS!)

When my 17 year old daughter is bored, she and her friends bake.  This time they made chocolate chip cookies...but added some BAZINGA to the mix!

They have enrobed an OREO into a chocolate chip cookie!  HOLY COW!  Can I tell you this is the most amazing dessert?  I need ONE COOKIE to get rid of my sweet tooth.  One of these babies for dessert and you're good!  I have had it with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and that just sends it over the top.  I believe they just used the basic chocolate chip cookie recipe that is on the back of the bag  for most semi-sweet chocolate morsels that you can purchase in the store (name brand or store brand...it's the same recipe!).  They used regular Oreos, not double-stuff, not mint...just normal Oreos.  BUT...I guess you could mix it up with the mint ones?  Ovens differ, so if you make this and the cookie does not appear done, leave it in a bit longer.  Timing will depend on your oven, the bakeware you are using, etc.

Here are some pictures!:

Also...if you need new cookware that heats evenly, you can get it at 20% off this month here...